Effective patient communication is a critical component to ICU patient care and to family member understanding of a critical illness.
Clinicians generally believe that mechanical ventilation rests and restores the respiratory muscles in acute respiratory failure.
Although protocol-driven sedation and analgesia management has been shown to improve patient outcomes, adherence to these guidelines is often poor.
In This Issue: Shingles vaccine added to CDC list of vaccines for adults 60 and older; CDC recommends Tdap for postpartum women; new study suggests sequential therapy with antibiotics for H. pylori may be more effective than standard therapy; FDA Actions.
Whether they call it investigator or site relationship management, it seems that big pharma thinks it's just plain old good business. Something they openly admit they hadn't been focused on.
The National Cancer Institute of Bethesda, MD, decided to address a deficit in quality of biospecimens collected for research purposes with the recent publication of improved recommendations.
The health care community has long endorsed staff and patients speaking up when necessary to protect patient safety, but in the heat of the moment, a staff member can be intimidated by superiors and fearful of rocking the boat.
The health care industry is complex. And to overcome that complexity, we hear much more today about openness and transparency, but are these efforts getting people to speak up?
A new consortium of research institutions is seeking to transform the process of translational research, in hopes of progressing more efficiently from scientific breakthrough to patient treatment.